First the earth cooled. Many millions of years later, I appeared and decided that having a convenient outlet for self-expression and public exchanges would be a good thing, so here it is. I'll be posting whatever strikes me as interesting, useful, or funny. I hope to get as much as I give, so don't be shy--let me know what you think (click on "Comments (Add/View)" under the entry) and I'll get a notice. I'm Glenn, the Glennformer, and this is Glennformation.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

politically correct fighters and another mystery solved

On the one hand, GE makes engines for fighter jets. On the other hand, some people might be disturbed by the idea of a fighter jet used for, oh I don't know, maybe fighting. What to do. The solution, this promotional panel next to a model of their wonderful engine that suggests that the purpose of an F-16 is to use its powerful engine to flee to safety if it encounters an enemy!

caption: GE is proud to supply the engine for the Air Force's latest "Fraidycat" version of the F-16.

It seemed like I spent waaay too much time finding this photo, in fact only the thumbnail version of it, but some information is so important to get out to the public that such diligence is appropriate.

caption: I can't count the number of times I've been asked how
Amtrak keeps the caps on the back of the armrests. Philips head screw.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

how are your peaches? and choosing a dog

caption: If you notice that your peaches are
marked "best before Mar'03", they're still
fine now.

(This only makes sense knowing the date sent was 3/6/04; I don't have of this same batch left to test now.)

New caption (for Nancy ONLY): If you can trick peach cubes into sliding down a plastic spoon handle into a some juice, before they know what's going on, you can seal the top and sell them as food!

caption: I described what kind of dog I want to the pet store sales person. She
suggested this one. Seemed kind of
gay. I passed.

Shift Happens and other video links

A friend sent me this link to a video narrative on some interesting statistics on the the information technology explosion and the global work force. I thought a couple of other videos there were interesting too. Check out "When graphic artists get bored" and "Laughter is contagious" (I think, don't see it on the displayed items at the moment). Just noticed the title of the post is the link but doesn't look like one, so click on it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

being followed

My shadow realized that I was following it and, suddenly stopped and confronted me about it. No, it didn't SAY anything--it's a shadow. But if looks could kill I'd be dead.