First the earth cooled. Many millions of years later, I appeared and decided that having a convenient outlet for self-expression and public exchanges would be a good thing, so here it is. I'll be posting whatever strikes me as interesting, useful, or funny. I hope to get as much as I give, so don't be shy--let me know what you think (click on "Comments (Add/View)" under the entry) and I'll get a notice. I'm Glenn, the Glennformer, and this is Glennformation.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

essential info about my backpack or a bad picture of biting a fork?

Answer: Both. I sent this picture, originally, as a bad substitute for not having a picture of biting a fork--sometimes I have the caption before I have the photo. However, I get lots of questions about my backpack. One brother calls it my "Millennium Backpack". I admit that, in many ways, I'm just an aging boy scout and still adhere to the motto "be prepared". I've decided to do an inventory, both to remind myself of what the hell I'm carrying around all the time and, likely, make some changes and to have a basis for a "what's in my backpack?" contest. To answer a recent question and give you an early start on imagining what might be in there, it weighed 25 pounds when I weighed it a week ago on Friday (and that's without my laptop and charger, which adds another 7 pounds).