First the earth cooled. Many millions of years later, I appeared and decided that having a convenient outlet for self-expression and public exchanges would be a good thing, so here it is. I'll be posting whatever strikes me as interesting, useful, or funny. I hope to get as much as I give, so don't be shy--let me know what you think (click on "Comments (Add/View)" under the entry) and I'll get a notice. I'm Glenn, the Glennformer, and this is Glennformation.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

some of my life in April '04

Most of these have nothing to do with each other but they'll finally allow you to get to some sleep instead of wondering what was happening in my life in April '04. Do these fill in the gaps for you? For those of you not working on writing my biography (Carl?), please think of other ways they might be interesting.

I'm often impressed with my
knowledge of and expertise with the
controls I find around me. I'm
also willing to tutor others.

However, sometimes I can become overly focused on stuff and it has consequences.

Today I got to miss the train from
what will be my new regular
station. It's similar to
missing trains at other stations.

Like this:

Once I do catch a train, it provides time to reflect on the important things in life.

As far as blue jean seams go, this
one is the king of beers!

New caption, not just for Nancy, because this never really made sense.

Very much like train tracks, the parallel threads in this seam manage to get along by keeping their distance.

You don't have to imagine being Nancy getting ready to have a baby in Memorial Hospital to appreciate this one, but it helps.

When I was in the train station in
Newark, I was struck by how much it
must look like the delivery room at
Memorial Hospital.

Finally the rewards of reaching the destination.

Nothing welcomes a tired traveler
better than water for sale in the
room for only $4.00/bottle. Thanks

But it's not always like that.

Free ice cream at Union Station!

(New caption, for Nancy only:
Free ice cream is free ice cream, regardless of whether it's already been "used".

Now, back to my ordinary life.

Be careful when mixing different
grades of plastic bowls and
flatware during fine dining, otherwise, this could happen.

I often notice convenient uses for things that are not what was intended.

I liked this box so much that I
bought it, even though it still had an
air conditioner inside and so was
kind of pricey.

I took advantage of an opportunity to move and buy a house. The important factor--altitude. I went from the oppressive pressure of 30 feet to the dizzying height of 390 feet. Here's the proof.

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