First the earth cooled. Many millions of years later, I appeared and decided that having a convenient outlet for self-expression and public exchanges would be a good thing, so here it is. I'll be posting whatever strikes me as interesting, useful, or funny. I hope to get as much as I give, so don't be shy--let me know what you think (click on "Comments (Add/View)" under the entry) and I'll get a notice. I'm Glenn, the Glennformer, and this is Glennformation.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

favorite movies

In case you didn't notice (and it seems likely since I didn't notice any flag that my profile was updated), I've added my list of favorite movies to my profile. Lest some of you think I have obsessive/compulsive tendencies (although, for the record, I have obsessive/compulsive tendencies), I didn't create the list from scratch. I just grabbed my Netflix 5 star rated list and, even though there are 62 in the list, posted the whole thing instead of editing down to something less on some basis (like, let's see, favorite movies I like more than my other favorite movies).

(NOTE: This post is in no way intended as a trick to get more people to view my profile and make me seem more popular. However, if that consideration is enough to stop you AND you are, nonetheless, just dying to know what my 62 favorite movies are, let me or someone else know and we'll find another way to get the list to you.)


Anonymous said...

Good to see you are keeping it up. :)

BTW, that's not a very good pic of you.

--Larry (but which one?!)

Anonymous said...

you suck with the keeping up of your blog.